Avare ("us", "we", "our"), a social media application, is dedicated to protecting the privacy of personal information of our users. This Privacy Policy clearly explains the details of our proactive measures to collect, use, and safeguard personal data and information while ensuring the full functionality of our services and respecting user choices. All actions taken by Avare regarding your personal data are in full compliance with the Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority (KVKK), Law Number 6698.


User: An individual who has registered an account with Avare, regardless of their level of activity or current account status. This includes users whose accounts are inactive or are in the process of deactivation but have not been permanently deleted. Individuals are considered as users once they have agreed to our terms and completed any required steps to activate their account.

Personal Information: Information that can uniquely identify, contact, or locate an individual, either alone or in combination with other accessible information, to provide a better service to our users. This includes, but is not limited to, names, email addresses, personal location data, and other identifiable contact details. All this information will only be used for contacting our users to keep communication effective. Furthermore, your personal location data is only used for the duration of the application's use, with the goal of improving the service you receive through maps.

User-Generated Content: Material such as lists, locations, notes, and any multimedia (photos, videos) created and uploaded by users within Avare. This content is this content is private by default, stored and managed only according to the privacy settings selected by the user, which determine visibility and access within the application. If a user chooses to keep their user-generated content private, it becomes invisible to everyone. Users can choose to share user-generated content, but non-users of the application will never see it.

Third Parties: External companies or service providers that Avare collaborates with to enhance and support the functionality of our services. These include, but are not limited to, payment processors for handling transactions, and cloud hosting services for data storage. We meticulously ensure that these partners comply with our privacy standards and applicable laws.

This Privacy Policy is organized into sections that explain how we collect and handle your personal information, your rights as a user, and how to contact us with any questions or concerns. We encourage you to read through each section to fully understand our practices and your rights.

Information We Collect

RevenueCat adheres to stringent data protection standards and is GDPR compliant. We have a data processing agreement in place with RevenueCat, which obligates them to protect user data and prohibits the sharing of this data with third parties. For more detailed information on RevenueCat's privacy practices, please refer to their privacy policy: RevenueCat Privacy Policy.

Data Security

Avare implements robust security measures that meet industry standards to protect user data, including profile pictures and location images, from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. These measures are designed to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal information.

Children's Privacy

Avare is not designed for children under the age of 13. As a deliberate and careful step, we do not definitely collect personal information and data from children under 13. Should we discover that any such information has been inadvertently collected, immediate steps will be taken to remove such information from our records.

Your Rights

No User Tracking